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27 April 2010

Art, please!

Today I was a little freaked out by all the chaos revolving me.
But all I really had to do was open my eyes because by the end of the
day...I was suddenly taking pictures by the sun and the moon with Ruby.
The art show was today, and well everything was very lovely.
La Suave et moi had a nice time since we were dressed quite
beautifully, got to munch on treats, listen to "band" music, and finally,
we were surrounded by ART.

Here is a picture of my pearly floral croppy top: (I adore it)

I was left with Hanz's "holey" sweater that I also adore
and, to top it all off... Shakespeares' Comedy of Errors
was laying upon my bed when I arrived home from this magical night.

This is the start of a new me and I feel it in my veins.

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