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24 January 2014

dreamy days for days to come...

In my head it was always a magical thing, a reality in another dimension.
Somewhere different but not different for me.
It lived in my head from a very young age, both of my dreams always have.


My favorite things ever and honestly I'm addicted to them.

After a year of hard work (where I was lucky enough to have my sig. o living in the same city as me) on my 20th year of life I said goodbye to the peachy Miami beaches, hopped on a plane to Madrid, Spain with a final destination to Venice, Italy... home.

I did not sleep one bit on my magical flight there. There were constellations out my window all through the night prior to landing in Madrid. Madrid was still lit up at 7am since the sun was still sleeping. It was drizzling & slightly cold. 
The Madrid airport is beautifully minimalistic, in the shape of an M. It appears small...but isn't (hahaha, it took me about an hour to reach my gate which I did not mind because I'm obsessed with airports!)

Boarding to the short trip...the one where you're mostly brain dead, the sun had risen and we departed into beautiful pastel skies, flew over Cote d'Azur and before I knew it...my window view was all of Venice sitting perfectly under the foggy day.

I obviously came back to life, reunited with my luggage and was bundled up like a marshmallow for the perfect weather in Venice that day.

My aunt and uncle greeted me and we went to a quaint little restaurant inside a big house in the middle of nowhere and I stuffed my face with gnocchi's and water of course.

I felt like I was in a dream but I also knew that it was all my new reality.


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