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05 April 2010

Breaking it down slowly

  • This was me on Thursday soir. 4/1/10
Quite a long and bike riding day that was.
Joined by my baby sis Fiorella and her trilingual Brazilian amiee!

  • Friday day/night outings. 4/2/10
at the beach and then at the ice cream parlor.

Enjoying myself


Having some icy cream with my deer sister

I enjoying being with the tall kind

  • Saturday escape. 4/3/10
Surprised my birthday friend~ took a dip in the pool, laid on the sand, understood some french Canadians, worked out, broke my pizza sacrifice (there was nothing else to eat and well....I'm only human), showered, did hair, walked in Aventura mall, had some nice Cheesecake Factory.

Ended the night by watching An Education (which mama was dying for me to watch)
I loved the movie, the music, and the message. I remember when I wanted to watch it so bad so I found everything about it and made my mom order it from Netflix in order to have it ASAP ! I lived in this back then: http://www.sonyclassics.com/aneducation/

  • Sunday finale 4/4/10
Naps at the beach, dancing, HM3, Ice Cream once again, and me driving home from such distances under the moon light!

There we were.

And here is moi dancing:

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